Katalox Light Iron Treatment Systems
    | Eliminate iron sulfur (hydrogen sulfide) Manganeese and particulates.
Chemcical Free. Katalox only needs to be back washed and average of every other day. Works well in pH ranges of 5.8 and above. Media Description: High content(10%) gamma Manganese dioxide (MnO2) coated ZEOSORB Katalox-Light® Removal methods: 1. Mechanical Filtration (fine particles TSS Turbidity etc.) 2. Catalytic precipitation and sorption (Fe Mn Cu Pb etc.) 3. Adsorbtion (flocculant formation and adsorption of As Heavy Metals Radionuclides) As a side note : If you have both Iron of at least 1 p.p.m. Katalog will remove up to 50 p.p.b. of Arsenic. The arsenic is removed using the Iron Oxide that binds to the media. |