1530018 SC 150 (115V/60Hz) Immersion circulators with clamp; CSA/UL - Amb+13 to 150 C - 1.2 kW HEATER - PUMP 17 L/MIN & 300 MBAR; USB - Safety class 3 (FL) -

1530018 SC 150 (115V/60Hz) Immersion circulators with clamp; CSA/UL -  Amb+13 to 150 C -  1.2 kW HEATER -  PUMP 17 L/MIN & 300 MBAR; USB -  Safety class 3 (FL) -
A Barnstead Thermolyne / Thermo Scienfic Product
Retail Price US$1,909.91
Our PriceUS$1,747.57
Catalog ID1530018

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